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 Standalone Magnification Aids

Stand-alone magnification aids magnify materials that may be difficult for people with low vision to see. For many students with low vision, using standard educational materials is a daily struggle that requires adult or teacher assistance. Most individuals with low vision find it easier to read if the print is magnified in some way. Although worksheets and tests can be enlarged on a school copier, other reading materials may need to be accessed with stand-alone magnification aids.

Types of magnification aids include hand-held magnifiers, pocket, stand magnifiers, bar and dome magnifiers, and closed circuit televisions. Standard hand-held magnifiers are very portable and easy to use in many situations. Stand magnifiers are similar but will stand alone that does not require the user to hold them. Illuminated magnifiers add additional light but need to be held so they don’t rest on the surface of the paper. Bar and dome magnifiers rest on the paper and magnify a single line or selected area. These and other magnifying aids are available from companies such as MaxiAids, LS & S and Telesensory.

These aids are primarily used with people who have low vision and only need a limited amount of magnification to be able to access standard print and other materials.